Managing your money is an important part of heading out into the world and living on your own.  Budgeting is keeping track of how much of your paycheck gets spent and on what.  In order to make sure all your bills get paid, you have to understand how much you have to spend and when you have to spend it.

Creating a realistic budget to make sure your obligations are met is not easy.  It takes a lot of thought and consideration to figure out exactly what your bills are, how much food you need until your next paycheck, and how that all fits within how much you earn.  Things like rent, utilities, gas or bus fair, and clothing needs all have to be accounted for and budgeted.

The budget planners at the You Can Foundation are ready to help you create and stick to a budget that fits your particular needs.  We will go over all your bills with you, help you figure out what kinds of food and other necessities provide the best value, and help you set up a calendar for recurring bills like your utilities and cell phone.  We will help you schedule bills based on when you get paid so that you don’t run out of money before your next check.

Having a clear and easy-to-follow budget helps keep you on track with making the payments that are a part of living in the adult world, and the YCF is here to help you get started.  The You Can Foundation provides this service free of charge to qualified candidates, but will always accept donations for our assistance.
